- My Blog and thoughts on government
- Taxation with out representation!
- Second Amendment is Null and Void in Nevada
- They are deporting American kids to Mexico!
- Little government tyrants become big government tyrants
- Declaration of Independence at Arizona Capitol
- Tyranny of the minority - Democracies always ending up being tyranny of the minority and special intrest groups. It ain't majority rule, never was!
- How democracy works. Democracy is three wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for lunch
- Congresscritters pay us to vote for them?
- Declartion_of Independance
- Bill of Rights
- They are not bribes
they are not campaign contributions!
Honest ask the Congressmen and Senators who pocketed the money.
They will tell you they ain't bribes!
- Supreme Court says Obamacare is Constitutional
in this