June 21, 2012 - Why are there so many crooks in government???When Willie Sutton was asked why he robs banks he responded with "That's where the money is."Sounds like a stupid answer to a stupid question, but in reality its a good answer to a good question. And it applies perfectly well to why there are so many crooks in government. If you are a crook looking for an ideal place to commit crimes, getting a job as an elected official or a police officer is probably a damn good career decision. First the government is the only place in society where "stealing" is legal. They don't call it stealing, but instead use the politically correct word for theft which is "taxes". And of course elected officials are big time thieves that make small time crooks blush when it comes to the amount of loot they steal. Small city governments routinely steal millions of dollars from the serfs they rule over every year. A bank robber gets a measly $2,000 for every bank he robs. So being a government criminal is very lucrative compared to being a common criminal. Best of all this kind of stealing is perfectly legal. Crooks who are elected officials don't have to worry about going to jail for the money they steal from there serfs with a form of theft called taxation. Yes taking bribes and kick backs is technically illegally, but our elected officials typically set up their crimes so they look like they are receiving campaign contributions in exchange for good government, not bribes for illegal acts. And of course when they do get caught stealing with their hand in the cookie jar, they are investigated by their fellow government employees who frequently turn a blind eye to their crimes, or give them a slap on the wrist in the rare times they are charged with a crime. So when a crook gets a job as an elected official they can steal huge amounts of money with little risk of getting punished. While being a police officer isn't as lucrative as a job of being a career criminal as an elected official it does have some perks career criminals find attractive. If you are a sadistic person that enjoys beating up and abusing people, being a cop is an ideal job for you. If you hate gays, Jews, Mexicans, Blacks or any other minority being a cop is a job where you can find lots of victims to abuse, with almost no threat of being punished for your hate crimes. When a cop is accused of beating or abusing an honest law abiding citizen the cops routinely turn the tables on them and accuse the victim of being the criminal. And since cops investigate their own crimes this trick works most of the time. Remember Rodney King? To almost all of us it looked like sadistic racist cops from the LAPD were beating the sh*t out of a helpless Black man. Of course the cops claimed that Rodney King was a superhuman terrorist who almost killed them and that they had to beat him up to protect themselves. Of course the video tape failed to record any of the superhuman things superhuman Rodney King did to the LAPD to deserve his beating. Yes the crooked LAPD cops that beat up Rodney King know like most cops, that the bigger lie you tell, the more believable it is. While career criminals who are politicians can make big bucks compared to cops, being a crooked cop is still a job where you can make easy money by turning your head and ignoring victimless crimes like drugs, prostitution or gambling. Many cops can and do make good money by helping drug dealers, pimps and gamblers avoid arrest, either by ignoring their crimes, or by providing protection to the criminals that commit these victimless crimes. So the answer to the question of "why are there so many crooks in government" can be answered with Willie Sutton's quote of "That's where the money is." And in addition of crooks flocking to government jobs because that's where the money is, government jobs also offer a very low risk of being jailed for the crimes that government career criminals commit. |